Today on the way to attend class,there are many bicycle along the bicycle way (beside longkang)which was a illegal parking place for bicycle and I notice that all bicycle from block A to block D have a piece of paper inside their bicycle basket. first come to my mind "Will it a notice (saman) from UTAR for illegal parking?"
then I take one of the notice paper and see...cheh,..part time jobs notice only >.<
After class I go back, on the way from UTAR to my house I realise something that the tree inside UTAR and outside UTAR are the same one. this is tree meh?, for decorate use in CNY (lian hua shu)? or kampar is too hot liao? dont know -.-?
The number of bicycle in kampar increase as the numbers of student increasing. therefore the road sign for bicycle we can see also increase from one to two.
this is the first one bicycle road sign (outside UTAR)
This is the second bicycle road sign (inside UTAR) will there the 3rd or more road sign of bicycle will appear?
I hope this will be the 3rd bicycle road sign in kampar.
"for safety we better get ur driving license for bicycle first"
that day political science lecturer said that he has a facebook account and can add him as friends. so I find it and this is the lecturer facebook, but I didn't add as friends lol''
In political science my group get the assignment 1st question on power, not just V=IR but more than that very much lol.
My 21st birthday (oh, more older already T.T) & I found that today also siang leng's birthday. Wah, he was the 4th person whose birthday date same with me among my friends de ^^ . Today also I learn many words from mr mok like: circuits just a bloody concept,&....(u know le).
the return of Dr aissa,
today we did the experiment on op-amp 741 & Dr aissa:"u can search VA 741 by google"-.-he still use the neamen microelectronics book.
Today got people from texas instruments to give us some talk on test engineer.
Today we have the ED2 lecture, it was not Dr aissa but Mr leong as our ED lecturer this sem , we can feel the diffrences, during lecture of ED2 our lecture said wanna give us playing one game(sound like interesting), but...that is to determine which one is HP(high pass) and which one is LP (low pass)-.-"'(It is easy but I dunno the answer because my Y1sem. 1 CT is..) After Ed2, we have a break and continuous our lecture with mr leong (agains ~ z.z) but diffrences subjects ( Today whole day lecture class is with Mr leong). this was the second lecture teach us two subjects in one sem. since Mr Ooi cy.
Today no class, so boring at home, morning go to dobi ... just now go public bank for student bill payment. why today no class de, lecturer said respect the time table but I don't think they do so lo for today. But anyway, I have my time to design my cartoon character "Apple Rangers" ^^.
New trimester started, Today the first day of this year1sem2 we have the 1st and the only lecture class for today which is maths III. Just today dr lem give us so many kata-kata nasihat to guide us -.- some of its macam pernah dengar saje. After class we go for choose elective subject between political science and pro-writting. some of us choose political science(because grammer not so good), some of them choose pro-writting(because no saturday class u.u) and there got limited place for the course, which is 25:25 only. good luck.
"kata-kata nasihat(lecturer) harus didengar, kalau tidak sesal nanti"